Algorithms to Manage Common and Rare Pediatric Conditions

From an elevated ANA to a child with recurrent fractures, these evidence based clinical pathways, guidelines, and algorithms can help pediatricians figure out what’s the best next step for their patients.

What do you do when a baby has abnormal muscle tone, an elevated TSH, high blood pressure, or a high phenylalanine level ?

Do you refer them to a specialist for further management?

Or do you do a little research first, grabbing a few of your medical books?

There is an algorithm to help your pediatric provider figure out what to do if your kids have high blood pressure.
There is an algorithm to help your pediatric provider figure out what to do if your kids have high blood pressure.

Since these aren’t necessarily common things, you likely do need a little help to make sure you do the right thing, but on the other hand, you don’t have all day to research one problem…

So what do you do?

“Implementation of multiple evidence-based, standardized clinical pathways was associated with decreased resource utilization without negatively affecting patient physical functioning improvement. This approach could be widely implemented to improve the value of care provided.”

Standardized Clinical Pathways for Hospitalized Children and Outcomes

Having guidelines and algorithms to look to for some extra help would probably be nice…

Algorithms to Manage Common and Rare Pediatric Conditions

And here’s how you can quickly and easily find many of those guidelines and algorithms:

And of course, you can always look things up in a textbook, call your favorite expert, or refer your patient to a specialist if you need more help.

More on Managing Common and Rare Pediatric Conditions

Last Updated on May 30, 2022 by Vincent Iannelli, MD

Author: Vincent Iannelli, MD

Vincent Iannelli, MD

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